First three main roles for SunderProtocol participants

Alejandro Fernández
4 min readJul 7, 2021


Sunder Protocol is the first framework that allows for utilities of Governance tokens to be mutually inclusive, enabling participants to remain exposed while being able to bear interest via strategies, without sacrificing on voting rights. Nevertheless, equally to other protocols, Sunder.Finance will have different roles which users can adopt based on their preferences.

disclaimer: sunder protocol is still a working progress and changes could be made when launching on ethereum mainnet, instructions are based on testnet interface and on Kovan testnet:

Basic roles on Sunder protocol

1.Users searching for yield without minding voting rights

This users will sunder the native governance token to receive one dToken and one eToken, since they dont mind about voting, they could sell their dTokens and bear interest with the strategies offered by the Strategist with their eTokens as well as purchasing eTokens directly from the AMM at a marginal cost.


  • Mint dToken and eToken by sundering the native token
  • Keep the eToken in your wallet and go to Sushiswap pool to sell your dToken
  • Stake your eToken into the yield vault and enjoy!

2.Governance activist:.There are two ways to engage actively:

a) Sunder the token and sell the eToken for profit keeping the dToken to vote in the future proposals.


  • Mint dToken and eToken by sundering the native token
  • Keep the dToken in your wallet and go to Sushiswap pool to sell your eTokens.
  • Vote on the proposals with your dTokens holdings

b) Acquiring exposure purchasing dTokens directly from AMM at a marginal cost.

The voting process is triggered via Snapshot, simply needing a signature message originated from users wallets, the outcome for dToken holders results in zero cost of executing governance participation rights.

4.Liquidity contributor(Sunder Miner):

This users will sunder the native governance token to receive one dToken and eToken which then can provide liquidity to e.g: the dCompound/DAI SLP and eCompound/DAI SLP pools for fee acquiral over trading volume(rewards will be given in SGT) It will be a revolutionary moment for any project to see how the first mover would price his/her voting right when the liquidity pool is created and we will see how the market will react to the initial price; same with the eToken since the yield would be higher than normal stakers since there will always be an x% locked in liquidity and y% in circulation and z% staked to share the yield.


  • Mint dToken and eToken by sundering the native token
  • Provide the liquidity to the pools

Further roles will be created as testnet evolves, such as:

  • Arbitrageurs
  • Liquidity Miners
  • Yield Strategists.

Stay tuned for upcoming news.





